Embrace confidence, energy, and passion for life and move from

To Clarity

Do you have big desires to:

Feel the spark again…the confidence and groundedness that once flowed through your body?

Be in action toward something greater than yourself? (Or just handle something that you’ve put on the backburner?)

Feel lighter, peaceful, easeful, hopeful and more confident?

Feel freedom in your mind and clarity in your heart?

Create a new vision for your future or reconnect with the vision you had to let go of (perhaps when the pandemic hit?)?

Are you ready to break free from the constraints of uncertainty and step into a life that resonates with your true self?

It’s time to embark on a transformational journey that will empower you to live authentically and boldly.


From Confusion to Clarity

Join me for a 5-week, 1 on 1, fully customized experience like no other.

Here’s some of the goodness you get:

  • Ignite Your Path: Transform your dreams into actionable goals. Say goodbye to stagnation and hello to progress!

  • Overwhelm Be Gone: Escape the overwhelm caused by countless choices. Uncover the power of purposeful decision-making.

  • Fuel Your Motivation: Equip yourself with the tools to reignite your motivation and reclaim your vitality.

  • Embrace Clarity: Replace the fog of uncertainty with crystal-clear clarity. Watch your vision come to life.

  • Holistic Approach: Uncover the secrets of permaculture-inspired systems thinking and weave nature’s wisdom into your journey.

How I Work

My coaching involves accessible structures and frameworks that you can easily use in your daily life to reach your goals. I am here to support you as you transform your overwhelm and anxiety into sustainable, actionable steps. I can help you figure out what’s most important to you and help align your lifestyle with your values.

These actions will come from a place of desire and inspiration – not obligation.

I believe in creating a life by design.
The best way to have that is to focus on small, sustainable steps.

Through candid conversations and between meeting “heartwork,” I help to set a structure for you to visualize a bright future, set goals, and create priorities, all the while providing much-needed emotional support along your journey. I am your biggest fan!

After a few years of being in the unknown like never before

You find yourself standing at the crossroads of your true aspirations and your necessary responsibilities and feel unsure of how to combine these two paths so that your future journey feels GREAT.

You are yearning for clarity amidst the chaos.

You’re not alone.

Many remarkable women seek guidance to navigate life’s intricate maze.

Don’t let uncertainty hold you back any longer.

What’s Included In Confusion to Clarity:

  • Your Compassionate Guide: Embark on this expedition with a compassionate guide by your side – someone who understands your unique struggles and aspirations.

  • Personalized Roadmap: Craft a bespoke heartmap that bridges your past with your future, laying out the exact steps to manifest your dreams.

  • Empowering Sessions: Enjoy five 60-minute individual guidance sessions via video, where breakthroughs and insights become your norm.

  • Tools for Triumph: Equip yourself with proven tools, exercises, and resources that will supercharge your personal growth.

  • Literary Wisdom: Access curated reading recommendations and resources that fuel your enlightenment.

  • Session Notes & Support: Relish the benefit of receiving detailed session notes and Voxer support between calls – your personalized lifeline to progress.

Total time commitment: 2 hours per week (plus the time you put into your actions, which is totally up to you based on what you want to create!)

Total value: $2300

Your investment is only: $1000

Let’s rock this, because…

  • You are ready to re-create and focus on something big so you can reconnect with the vitality you had in the past.
  • You want someone who will support you with structures and hold you accountable to the goals that YOU set out to reach.
  • You are ready to have another human lovingly nudge you along the path to self-care.
  • You are ready to be supported in creating small steps that will lead you to bigger things in life.
  • You are ready to embrace the tools that will make the future brighter for you and all beings.
  • You can use the words accountability, structure, frameworks, goals, milestones and still feel the femininity running through your body.

But, working with me is not for you if:

  • You are not ready to create something new in your life.
  • You are not truly serious about activating this form of “self-care.”
  • You don’t like to use the Google suite of services to collaborate.

The Deets

From Confusion to Clarity
A 5 Week Intensive Coaching Program
A fully 1-1 Experience

The journey starts here:

Heartwork Assignment #1 – Going deep – Make a comfy space for yourself. Light a candle, brew some tea, fill a vase with flowers or spray a beautiful scent around you, turn on music that inspires you. Then, answer some questions I ask you in an online form so we can get started.

I want to hear all about your big dreams!

We will pinpoint one thing that you want to focus on during our time together (and trust me, you will feel a ripple effect into other areas of your life as you dig in deeper in this area of your life!).

I will create a fully customized action plan between Week 1 & 2 and we will continually optimize each step as we continue on this journey!

Week 1 Video Date

  • Unveil your current reality and carve out the life you crave in a specific timeframe.

  • Define your desired outcomes with precision and set fire to your aspirations, aiming higher than ever before.

  • Light up new paths and soar to uncharted heights.

Week  2 Video Date

  • Demolish Mental Barriers with Unyielding Resolve.

  • Craft a Tailored Blueprint for Unstoppable Success (While Venturing Beyond Comfort – We’re in This Together!).

  • Create Strategic Pathways Toward Your Profound Desires!

Week  3 & 4 Video Date

  • Purge Mental Clutter, Embrace Unbounded Potential.

  • Bid Farewell to that Limiting “Mean Girl” – She No Longer Defines You!

  • Align with Your Deepest Desires, Ignite Your Truest Self.

Week  5 Video Date

  • Architect a Blueprint for Lasting Healthy Habits.

  • Fine-Tune Your Systems for Maximum Personal Impact.

  • Embrace Your Brilliance – It’s Time to Revel in Your Triumphs!

You’ll get five weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions (60 minutes) and unlimited support during the program so that you will start to feel the energy, confidence and focus you desire right away without getting stuck or feeling you have to do this alone.

(Added bonus – no Facebook group! I love them but also get distracted when I’m on that site!)

The first step towards taking action is a conversation.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with me!
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

Subscribe to my newsletter and get your free guide to 10 Practices to Move From Confusion to Clarity.